
Further details:
ChiefRabbinate for the Netherlands, tel. +31 (0)20-3018490
NIK (Organization of Jewish Communities in the Netherlands) at tel. +31 (0)20 301 8484, fax +31 (0)20 301 8485, e-mail: [email protected] or outside Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague: IPOR-rabbinate: r’ Jacobs, tel. + 31 (0)20 301 8495;e-mail [email protected]


Make reservations the day before, call local rabbi or Chiefrabbinate for the Netherlands (tel.: 020 – 301 84 90) or

  • Amsterdam Ashkenazi, tel. 020-671 9383
  • Amsterdam Sephardi-Portuguese, tel. 020-6242533; 020-6245351
  • The Hague, tel. 070-3473201; 070-350 7621
  • Rotterdam,  tel. 010-466 9765, 010-465 5687 or 010-265 5530
  • Utrecht, tel. 030-272 3006, fax 030-272 2091; 033-479 9247.
  • Enschede, tel. 053-4323479
  • Reacties zijn gesloten.